The current program named Innovative Projects from Civil Societies and Coalitions of Actors (PISCCA) replaced the FSD and became the main French Embassy tool to support Kenyan civil society organizations.
Mathare Foundation is one of the beneficiaries of the Civil Societies and Coalitions of Actors (PISCCA) which is administered by the French Embassy in Nairobi. The French Embassy is supporting the Breaking Gender Barrier Project by the Mathare Foundation.
Through multi-approach efforts using sports, Mathare Foundation will aim to create safe spaces for organizing a sports league for girls, build self-esteem for all participants and offer leadership and life skills training for the women and girls thus change the unprivileged into hopeful, dependable, constructive and able citizens, capable of changing the future for themselves and others.
Breaking Gender barrier is a project that focuses on female leadership, female inclusion and developing female role models through use of sports. We have actually developed different activities such as mentorship, leadership and technical workshops around the girls and women football league that we shall run. This will enable us to reach the outcomes of this project. In this project we reaching out to 800 girls and women who are aged 11 to 35 through sports.
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Mathare Foundation has partnered with the African Culture Fund to implement Phase II of the Countless Moves Project. Countless Moves project primary goal is to protect young artists from the shocks of the pandemic through offering life skills through dance trainings. We work with 100 dancers from 5 different dance groups in Mathare slums.
Mental Health is key and we hope through the performances we will offer some healing for
millions if not billions of people who are in stressed during these difficult moments.
The performance will be made live through social media (facebook). We shall organize a zoom
conference on the performances. This will give people around the world an opportunity to experience
performances in times of crisis. Players in the in arts and culture sector will get an opportunity to
critique and maybe offer other opportunities for the artists such as scholarships.
Creativity StARTS Here means that ARTS and CULTURE is the origin of all innovations. We should understand that young people need to be informed on the same. Creativity StARTS Here is a project that seeks to offer resources to disadvantaged communities e.g. minority who live in abject poverty including refugees. We aim to provide them with cameras, dancing costumes, balls among other equipment and develop training for them to boost their creativity. They are super talented beings. We won the Global Giving hardship grant of $ 1,000 and fundraised $ 772 from different donors using the global giving platform.
GlobalGiving connects nonprofits, donors, and companies in nearly every country around the world. We help local nonprofits access the funding, tools, training, and support they need to become more effective. Mathare Foundation is partnering with Global Giving to fundraise online for the Raising Voices Phase II and Open Dialogue projects.
Get’em in Gear’s aim is to provide as many young lovers of the beautiful game around the world with a full kit comprised of a jersey, shorts, socks and boots. Using your gently used apparel and monetary donations, we create, package and ship our Get’em in Gear Kits to those young footballers in need. This idea behind the Get’em in Gear initiative came from years of coaching high school soccer in Toronto. The value of looking and feeling like a player and a team not only increased the confidence of players on the field, but more importantly it did so off the pitch as well as this created comradery and a sense of belonging to many students.Get’em in Gear is fortunate enough to have the assistance of a group of young and dedicated footballers and leadership students who see the importance of sharing their love of the game with people around the world. The initiative hopes to further entrench the idea of a global community where we can all make a difference in the lives of others, even in the smallest way. Get em in Gear have been donating football equipments to Mathare Foundation since the summer of 2016. In January we received 10 containers of football equipment for the Beyond Football Mathare Champions League for season 2019/2020.
Mathare Foundation and Kenya National for UNESCO have partnered to implement Creativity StARTS Here Music Project.
Creativity StARTS Here, is a 4 weeks music project that has aspects of mental health solutions, theurapitcal healing and stability in uncertain times. In this project, we will involve 8 artists from Mathare slums. We are targeting amateur and semi-professional musicians aged 13 to 27 years old. The musician will be from different age groups, sex, people with special needs, tribe so as to have an all-inclusive project. The main work of the musicians will be to come up with the project idea titles, script(storyline) and lyrics of the songs. Music is therapeutic and informative in nature. The content produced will not only entertain but also some healing to the listeners
Our project proposes to use music as tool to send positive messages of Hope and a bright future to the people of Mathare slums and the world during and in post COVID 19 pandemic.The overall objective of this project is to provide long-term emotional and physicologically support to general public through music. This is a sample work that we have done with an artist that we work with Mose Drumists We have also forwaded to you a song by children of Mathare Foundation named Amani.
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Africalia is a not-for-profit organisation which was founded at the end of 2000, on the initiative of the Belgian Development Cooperation and at the instigation of secretary of state Eddy Boutmans.Initially the organisation focused on distributing African productions in Belgium but as of 2007 Africalia became a cultural cooperation organisation which promotes sustainable human development by supporting African culture and contemporary art. Africalia supports Mathare Foundation through Alliance of Slum Media Organization to implement the
In 2020, Eric Omwanda Nehemiah won the Creativity is Life Grants to implement a project titled Creativity StARTS Here in collaboration with Mathare Foundation. Creativity StARTS Here, is a 2 months photography project that has aspects of mental health solutions, therapeutically healing and stability in uncertain times.We are using photography as tool to send positive messages of Hope and a bright future to the people of Mathare slums and the world during and in post COVID 19 pandemic.In this project, we will involve 8 photographers from Mathare slums. We are targeting amateur and semi-professional photographers aged 13 to 20 years old
It is the right time to spread messages of hope to counter the epidemic.This project shall offer some source of inspiration through compelling and creative photography. My intention is to create positive, local and global conversation during this unprecedented times.The overall objective of this project is to provide long-term emotional and physiologically support to general public through photography.
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The Resolution Project was founded by a group of young professionals who had attended youth leadership summits as university students and had been frustrated with being the “leaders of tomorrow.” Resolution’s founders believe that university students have the energy, idealism and will to solve some of the world’s most persistent and challenging problems, and should be leading today.
Resolution was founded in 2007 to develop and empower young leaders so they can pursue socially responsible solutions to issues affecting communities around the world. We designed our Social Venture Challenge (“SVC”) to be an inspiring call to action for university students with an idea for a social venture and we created the Resolution Fellowship to be an ecosystem of support to help them implement their idea and develop as socially responsible leaders.
Countless moves is a 6 months project that aims at equipping young girls with both technical dance skills and life skills that will enable them to cope with vices that exist in Mathare slums such as early marriages and pregnancies among girls. We will offer safe spaces for girls where they can come and express themselves freely without any fear. This will be their second home. The training will be designed to pass messages of ending early marriages and pregnancies among girls hence we shall be creating awareness in the community. Mathare Foundation is partnering with Resolution Project to implement the Countless Moves project.
Lensational is a global non-profit social enterprise that provides marginalized women and girls with cameras and photography trainings.Whitney Kageha 16 years, is among the 11 Winners of the Lensational International Photography Competition. She will be offered mentorship and awarded $50 by Lensational to carry out her Women & COVID 19 photography project that entails capturing stories and photos of women who have been affected by the pandemic. The identity of the women would be hidden since some of them have been physically, emotionally or sexually abused by their partners.
Mathare Foundation is in partnership with Lensational. Early this year(2016) they trained 10 adolescent girls from Mathare Foundation in basic photography skills. If you Interested in their please do not hesitant to know more about them on We have partnered with Lensational on the second phase of the Raising Voices Photo project. In this project we are training 15 girls in Life-skills through photography.At the end of the project we shall have a local exhibition in Mathare slums. The project runs from March 2018 to August 2018.
The Pollination Project seeks to unleash GOODNESS and expand COMPASSION all over the world. We make daily seed grants to inspiring social change-makers who are committed to a world that works for all.Beyond Skills is a project of the Mathare Foundation that received support from the The Pollination Project. We seek to train 20 young people aged 13 to 17 years in Photography and Life Skills. We will host a photography exhibition at the end of the project.
The Young African Leaders Initiative (YALI) was launched by former President of the United States Barack Obama as a signature effort to invest in the next generation of African leaders. The need to invest in grooming strong, results-oriented leaders comes out of the statistics: nearly 1 in 3 Africans are between the ages of 10 and 24, and approximately 60% of Africa’s total population is below the age of 35.
Who will empower and lead these young Africans? Who will shape the future of business and entrepreneurship, civic leadership, and public management? In order to answer these questions, YALI promotes three models designed to identify and empower young leaders: the YALI Mandela Washington Fellowship, YALI Network, and the Regional Leadership Centers across Africa.To learn more about the three components of YALI, please view this video
Mandela Washington alumni , Young African Leaders’ Initiative Regional Leadership Center East Africa Alumni and Mathare Foundation are partnering on Pesa Yetu- Haki Yetu- Our Resources, Our Responsibility. This is a project that seeks to audit expenses of the Constituency Development Fund. The project will target the following areas, Nairobi, Machakos and Taita Taveta counties.
Alliance of Slum Media Organization (ASMO) is a consortium of 6 slum media based organizations namely Mathare Foundation Slum TV, K-Youth Media, GPAY, Mwelu Foundation & Slum Film Festival. The consortium’s objectives are doing joint programming and fundraising, distribution of content, telling the slum story and training quality assurance. Contact them on